• Big Art 4, group, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • Zutphen Concreet, group, Zutphen, Netherlands; 
  • Galerie Kellerman, Reflections, group, Düsseldorf, Germany;
  • Gallery Axel Pairon, Knokke, Belgium;
  • Art Karlsruhe, Germany. Representation by Gallery Axel Pairon, Knokke, Belgium;
  • Gallery Franzis Engels: The silent white, group, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • Galerie Kellerman, Strukturen, group, Düsseldorf, Germany;


  • Galerie Kellerman, ZERO 2.0, group, Düsseldorf, Germany;
  • Big Art 3, group, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • Wirtschafstclub Düsseldorf, group, organized by Galerie Kellerman, Germany;
  • Fort Vuren, Gorinchem, Netherlands;
  • KunstRai (Amsterdam Art Fair), representation by Gallery Franzis Engels Amsterdam;
  • Art Karlsruhe, Germany. Representation by Gallery Franzis Engels Amsterdam;
  • Galerie Cwart, group, with installation, Knokke, Belgium;
  • Ongoing production of site specific installations in unused buildings;


  • ONE Studio, solo with installation, Valencia, Spain;
  • Big Art 2, group, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • KunstRai (Amsterdam Art Fair), representation by Gallery Franzis Engels Amsterdam;
  • Gallery Franzis Engels: The tension of the line, group, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • Galerie T, group, Middelburg, Netherlands;
  • Nieuw Dakota, group: IJ-Art collective, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • Ongoing production of site specific installations in unused buildings;


  • Nieuw Dakota, group: IJ-Art collective, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • Bos Fine Art, group, Utrecht, Netherlands;
  • Art West Amsterdam, with installation, Netherlands;
  • Nieuw Dakota, group: IJ-Art collective, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • IMM Köln, Germany, part of the FRAME Magazine store-stand;
  • Production of site specific installations, several open to public in unused buildings;


  • Symposion 2015, international group exhibition, Gorinchem, Netherlands. Part of  a selection of artists endorsed by the Princess Beatrix;
  • Umelka, group, Bratislava, Slovakia;
  • Galeria Vytvarneho Umeni, group, Ostrava, Czech Republic;
  • Galeria Vytvarneho Umeni, group, Ostrava, Czech Republic;
  • Tatranska Galerie, group, Poprad, Slovakia;
  • Rotterdam Contemporary Art Fair, Netherlands;


  • Encounter Contemporary Amsterdam;
  • Galeria El, Elblag, Poland;
  • Kruitmagazijnen Gorinchem, Netherlands;
  • KunstRai/Amsterdam Art Fair, solo presentation, Netherlands;
  • Rotterdam Contemporary Art Fair, Netherlands;
  • Art Breda, Artfair, Netherlands;


  • Gallery Nine, group, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • International Symposium for Electronic Arts, Panel presentation main program, Sydney, Australia;
  • Balance-Unbalance, Outdoor exhibition, Noosa, Australia;
  • Floating Land Festival, Outdoor exhibition, Noosa, Australia;
  • KunstRai (Amsterdam Art Fair), representation by Gallery Nine Amsterdam;
  • RAW Art-fair Rotterdam, Netherlands;
  • Gallery Nine, group, Amsterdam, Netherlands;


  • International Symposium for Electronic Arts, side program, Albuquerque, USA;
  • KunstRai (Amsterdam Art Fair), representation by Gallery Nine Amsterdam;
  • Gallery Nine, group, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • ArtAntique, Jaarbeurs Utrecht, representation by Gallery Nine Amsterdam; 
  • Gallery Nine, Amsterdam, Netherlands;


  • Gallery Kulter, group, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 
  • Tricot Winterswijk, with two installations, Winterswijk, Netherlands;
  • Dutch Design Awards and Dutch Design Week, group, Eindhoven, Netherlands;
  • ArtOlive, group, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • Cityhall The Hague, with installation, The Hague, Netherlands;
  • SummerExpo, Gemeentemuseum The Hague, Netherlands;
  • Town Theater and Kunstlinie, with installation, Almere, Netherlands;


  • Loods 6, with installation, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • A-Gallery, with installation, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • Art-Praque, representation by Art-Traffic, Prague, Tjechoslowakia;


Asside from the exhibitions mentioned I am still running my interior architecture firm. During this period a great number of projects have been realized and work is going on.


Start creating visual art;

2007 to 2010

Teacher Interior Architecture at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, Netherlands;

2004 to present

Foundation office ‘Robbert de Goede Buro for interior architecture’

Activities in all aspects of the trade of interior architecture.

Clients range from private owners as well as shops, restaurants, offices, custom made furniture, exhibitionspace.

2000 – 2004

Foundation designoffice i29: full partner;


Foundation office for interior architecture, fresh out of artschool many projects were self build;


School of the Art Institute Chicago: Classes in art and architecture;

1992 – 1998

Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht: Bachelor degree in interior architecture;


29 th of March: born in Amsterdam, Netherlands;